a:8:{s:9:"#provides";s:16:"dojox.secure.DOM";s:9:"#resource";s:13:"secure/DOM.js";s:9:"#requires";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;s:6:"common";i:1;s:21:"dojox.lang.observable";}}s:16:"dojox.secure.DOM";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:7:"element";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:0:"";}}s:6:"source";s:7571:" function safeNode(node){ if(!node){ return node; } var parent = node; do { if(parent == element){ return wrap(node); } } while((parent = parent.parentNode)); return null; } function wrap(result){ if(result){ if(result.nodeType){ // wrap the node var wrapped = nodeObserver(result); if(result.nodeType == 1 && typeof wrapped.style == 'function'){ // if it is a function, that means it is holding a slot for us, now we will override it wrapped.style = styleObserver(result.style); wrapped.ownerDocument = safeDoc; wrapped.childNodes = {__get__:function(i){ return wrap(result.childNodes[i]); }, length:0 }; //TODO: maybe add attributes } return wrapped; } if(result && typeof result == 'object'){ if(result.__observable){ // we have already wrapped it, this helps prevent circular/infinite loops return result.__observable; } // wrap the node list wrapped = result instanceof Array ? [] : {}; result.__observable = wrapped; for(var i in result){ if (i != '__observable'){ wrapped[i] = wrap(result[i]); } } wrapped.data__ = result; return wrapped; } if(typeof result == 'function'){ var unwrap = function(result){ if(typeof result == 'function'){ // if untrusted code passes a function to trusted code, we want the trusted code to be // able to execute it and have the arguments automatically wrapped return function(){ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ arguments[i] = wrap(arguments[i]); } return unwrap(result.apply(wrap(this),arguments)); } } return dojox.secure.unwrap(result); }; // when we wrap a function we make it so that we can untrusted code can execute // the function and the arguments will be unwrapped for the trusted code return function(){ if(result.safetyCheck){ result.safetyCheck.apply(unwrap(this),arguments); } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ arguments[i] = unwrap(arguments[i]); } return wrap(result.apply(unwrap(this),arguments)); } } } return result; } unwrap = dojox.secure.unwrap; function safeCSS(css){ css += ''; // make sure it is a string if(css.match(/behavior:|content:|javascript:|binding|expression|\@import/)){ throw new Error("Illegal CSS"); } var id = element.id || (element.id = "safe" + ('' + Math.random()).substring(2)); return css.replace(/(\}|^)\s*([^\{]*\{)/g,function(t,a,b){ // put all the styles in the context of the id of the sandbox return a + ' #' + id + ' ' + b; // need to remove body and html references something like: .replace(/body/g,''); but that would break mybody... }); } function safeURL(url){ // test a url to see if it is safe if(url.match(/:/) && !url.match(/^(http|ftp|mailto)/)){ throw new Error("Unsafe URL " + url); } } function safeElement(el){ // test an element to see if it is safe if(el && el.nodeType == 1){ if(el.tagName.match(/script/i)){ var src = el.src; if (src && src != ""){ // load the src and evaluate it safely el.parentNode.removeChild(el); dojo.xhrGet({url:src,secure:true}).addCallback(function(result){ safeDoc.evaluate(result); }); } else{ //evaluate the script safely and remove it var script = el.innerHTML; el.parentNode.removeChild(el); wrap.evaluate(script); } } if(el.tagName.match(/link/i)){ throw new Error("illegal tag"); } if(el.tagName.match(/style/i)){ var setCSS = function(cssStr){ if(el.styleSheet){// IE el.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr; } else {// w3c var cssText = doc.createTextNode(cssStr); if (el.childNodes[0]) el.replaceChild(cssText,el.childNodes[0]) else el.appendChild(cssText); } } src = el.src; if(src && src != ""){ alert('src' + src); // try to load it by url and safely load it el.src = null; dojo.xhrGet({url:src,secure:true}).addCallback(function(result){ setCSS(safeCSS(result)); }); } setCSS(safeCSS(el.innerHTML)); } if(el.style){ safeCSS(el.style.cssText); } if(el.href){ safeURL(el.href); } if(el.src){ safeURL(el.src); } var attr,i = 0; while ((attr=el.attributes[i++])){ if(attr.name.substring(0,2)== "on" && attr.value != "null" && attr.value != ""){ // must remove all the event handlers throw new Error("event handlers not allowed in the HTML, they must be set with element.addEventListener"); } } var children = el.childNodes; for (var i =0, l = children.length; i < l; i++){ safeElement(children[i]); } } } function safeHTML(html){ var div = document.createElement("div"); if(html.match(/