a:17:{s:9:"#provides";s:14:"dojox.fx.split";s:9:"#resource";s:11:"fx/split.js";s:9:"#requires";a:2:{i:0;a:3:{i:0;s:6:"common";i:1;s:7:"dojo.fx";i:2;s:4:"dojo";}i:1;a:3:{i:0;s:6:"common";i:1;s:14:"dojo.fx.easing";i:2;s:4:"dojo";}}s:15:"dojox.fx._split";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:452:"args.crop: Boolean - If true, pieces will only be visible inside node's boundries args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 3) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 3) args.pieceAnimation: Function(piece, x, y, coords) - Returns either the dojo._Animation or an array of dojo._Animation objects for the piece at location (x, y) in the node's grid; coords is the result of dojo.coords(args.node, true);";}}s:6:"source";s:2239:" args.rows = args.rows || 3; args.columns = args.columns || 3; args.duration = args.duration || 1000; var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node), coords = dojo.coords(node, true), pieceHeight = Math.ceil(coords.h / args.rows), pieceWidth = Math.ceil(coords.w / args.columns), container = dojo.create(node.tagName), animations = [], pieceHelper = dojo.create(node.tagName), piece ; // Create the pieces and their animations dojo.style(container, { position: "absolute", padding: "0", margin: "0", border:"none", top: coords.y + "px", left: coords.x + "px", height: coords.h + "px", width: coords.w + "px", background: "none", overflow: args.crop ? "hidden" : "visible" }); node.parentNode.appendChild(container); dojo.style(pieceHelper, { position: "absolute", border: "none", padding: '0', margin: '0', height: pieceHeight + "px", width: pieceWidth + "px", overflow: "hidden" }); for(var y = 0; y < args.rows; y++){ for(var x = 0; x < args.columns; x++){ // Create the piece piece = dojo.clone(pieceHelper); var pieceContents = dojo.clone(node); // IE hack pieceContents.style.filter = ""; dojo.style(piece, { border: "none", overflow: "hidden", top: (pieceHeight * y) + "px", left: (pieceWidth * x) + "px" }); dojo.style(pieceContents, { position: "static", opacity: "1", marginTop: (-y * pieceHeight) + "px", marginLeft: (-x * pieceWidth) + "px" }); piece.appendChild(pieceContents); container.appendChild(piece); var pieceAnimation = args.pieceAnimation(piece, x, y, coords); if(dojo.isArray(pieceAnimation)){ // if pieceAnimation is an array, append its elements animations = animations.concat(pieceAnimation); }else{ // otherwise, append it animations.push(pieceAnimation); } } } var anim = dojo.fx.combine(animations); dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ container.parentNode.removeChild(container); }); if(args.onPlay){ dojo.connect(anim, "onPlay", anim, args.onPlay); } if(args.onEnd){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, args.onEnd); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:54:"Split a node into rectangular pieces and animate them.";s:11:"description";s:92:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that move independently.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";s:7:"private";b:1;}s:16:"dojox.fx.explode";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:730:"args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 3) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 3) args.random: Float - If set, pieces fly to random distances, for random durations, and in slightly random directions. The value defines how much randomness is introduced. args.distance: Float - Multiplier for the distance the pieces fly (even when random) args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true) args.fadeEasing: Function - If args.fade is true, the fade animations use this easing function args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed args.sync: Boolean - If args.unhide is true, all the pieces converge at the same time (default is true)";}}s:6:"source";s:3150:" var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.rows = args.rows || 3; args.columns = args.columns || 3; args.distance = args.distance || 1; args.duration = args.duration || 1000; args.random = args.random || 0; if(!args.fade){ args.fade = true; } if(typeof args.sync == "undefined"){ args.sync = true; } args.random = Math.abs(args.random); // Returns the animation object for each piece args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, x, y, coords){ var pieceHeight = coords.h / args.rows, pieceWidth = coords.w / args.columns, distance = args.distance * 2, duration = args.duration, ps = piece.style, startTop = parseInt(ps.top), startLeft = parseInt(ps.left), delay = 0, randomX = 0, randomY = 0; if(args.random){ var seed = (Math.random() * args.random) + Math.max(1 - args.random, 0); distance *= seed; duration *= seed; // To syncronize, give each piece an appropriate delay so they end together delay = ((args.unhide && args.sync) || (!args.unhide && !args.sync)) ? (args.duration - duration) : 0; // Slightly randomize the direction of each piece randomX = Math.random() - 0.5; randomY = Math.random() - 0.5; } var distanceY = ((coords.h - pieceHeight) / 2 - pieceHeight * y), distanceX = ((coords.w - pieceWidth) / 2 - pieceWidth * x), distanceXY = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceX, 2) + Math.pow(distanceY, 2)), endTop = parseInt(startTop - distanceY * distance + distanceXY * randomY), endLeft = parseInt(startLeft - distanceX * distance + distanceXY * randomX) ; // Create the animation objects for the piece // These are separate anim objects so they can have different curves var pieceSlide = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.easing || (args.unhide ? dojo.fx.easing.sinOut : dojo.fx.easing.circOut)), beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ if(args.fade){ dojo.style(piece, { opacity: "0"}); } ps.top = endTop + "px"; ps.left = endLeft + "px"; } : undefined), properties: { top: (args.unhide ? { start: endTop, end: startTop } : { start: startTop, end: endTop }), left: (args.unhide ? { start: endLeft, end: startLeft } : { start: startLeft, end: endLeft }) } }); if(args.fade){ var pieceFade = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.fadeEasing || dojo.fx.easing.quadOut), properties: { opacity: (args.unhide ? { start: "0", end: "1" } : { start: "1", end: "0" }) } }); // return both animations as an array return (args.unhide ? [pieceFade, pieceSlide] : [pieceSlide, pieceFade]); }else{ // Otherwise return only the slide animation return pieceSlide; } }; var anim = dojox.fx._split(args); if(args.unhide){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", null, function(){ dojo.style(node, {opacity: "1" }); }); }else{ dojo.connect(anim, "onPlay", null, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "0" }); }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:38:"Explode a node into rectangular pieces";s:11:"description";s:98:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that fly away from the center.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";}s:17:"dojox.fx.converge";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:54:" args.unhide = true; return dojox.fx.explode(args);";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:21:"dojox.fx.disintegrate";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:637:"args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 5) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 5) args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation args.distance: Float - The number of the node's heights to drop (default is 1.5) args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true) args.random: Float - If set, pieces fall in random order. The value defines how much randomness is introduced. args.reverseOrder: Boolean - If true, pieces animate in reversed order args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the peices fall from above and land in place";}}s:6:"source";s:2195:" var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.rows = args.rows || 5; args.columns = args.columns || 5; args.duration = args.duration || 1500; args.interval = args.interval || args.duration / (args.rows + args.columns * 2); args.distance = args.distance || 1.5; args.random = args.random || 0; if(typeof args.fade == "undefined"){ args.fade = true; } var random = Math.abs(args.random), duration = args.duration - (args.rows + args.columns) * args.interval; // Returns the animation object for each piece args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, x, y, coords){ var randomDelay = Math.random() * (args.rows + args.columns) * args.interval, ps = piece.style, // If distance is negative, start from the top right instead of bottom left uniformDelay = (args.reverseOrder || args.distance < 0) ? ((x + y) * args.interval) : (((args.rows + args.columns) - (x + y)) * args.interval), delay = randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * uniformDelay, // Create the animation object for the piece properties = {} ; if(args.unhide){ properties.top = { start: (parseInt(ps.top) - coords.h * args.distance), end: parseInt(ps.top) }; if(args.fade){ properties.opacity = {start: "0", end: "1"}; } }else{ properties.top = {end: (parseInt(ps.top) + coords.h * args.distance)}; if(args.fade){ properties.opacity = {end: "0"}; } } var pieceAnimation = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.easing || (args.unhide ? dojo.fx.easing.sinIn : dojo.fx.easing.circIn)), properties: properties, beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ if(args.fade){ dojo.style(piece, { opacity: "0" }); } ps.top = properties.top.start + "px"; } : undefined) }); return pieceAnimation; }; var anim = dojox.fx._split(args); if(args.unhide){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "1" }); }); }else{ dojo.connect(anim, "onPlay", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "0" }); }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:54:"Split a node into rectangular pieces and let them fall";s:11:"description";s:78:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that drop.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";}s:14:"dojox.fx.build";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:59:" args.unhide = true; return dojox.fx.disintegrate(args);";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:14:"dojox.fx.shear";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:636:"args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 6) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 6) args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation (default is 0) args.distance: Float - The multiple of the node's dimensions to slide (default is 1) args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true) args.random: Float - If true, pieces have a random delay. The value defines how much randomness is introduced args.reverseOrder: Boolean - If true, pieces animate in reversed order args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed";}}s:6:"source";s:2805:" var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.rows = args.rows || 6; args.columns = args.columns || 6; args.duration = args.duration || 1000; args.interval = args.interval || 0; args.distance = args.distance || 1; args.random = args.random || 0; if(typeof(args.fade) == "undefined"){ args.fade = true; } var random = Math.abs(args.random), duration = (args.duration - (args.rows + args.columns) * Math.abs(args.interval)) ; // Returns the animation object for each piece args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, x, y, coords){ // Since x an y start at 0, the opposite is true... var colIsOdd = !(x % 2), rowIsOdd = !(y % 2), randomDelay = Math.random() * duration, uniformDelay = (args.reverseOrder) ? (((args.rows + args.columns) - (x + y)) * args.interval) : ((x + y) * args.interval), delay = randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * uniformDelay, properties = {}, ps = piece.style ; if(args.fade){ properties.opacity = (args.unhide ? { start: "0", end: "1" } : { end: "0" }); } // If we have only rows or columns, ignore the other dimension if(args.columns == 1){ colIsOdd = rowIsOdd; }else if(args.rows == 1){ rowIsOdd = !colIsOdd; } // Determine the piece's direction var left = parseInt(ps.left), top = parseInt(ps.top), distanceX = args.distance*coords.w, distanceY = args.distance*coords.h ; if(args.unhide){ if(colIsOdd == rowIsOdd){ properties.left = colIsOdd ? {start: (left - distanceX), end: left} : {start: (left + distanceX), end: left}; }else{ properties.top = colIsOdd ? {start: (top + distanceY), end: top} : {start: (top - distanceY), end: top}; } }else{ if(colIsOdd == rowIsOdd){ properties.left = colIsOdd ? {end: (left - distanceX)} : {end: (left + distanceX)}; }else{ properties.top = colIsOdd ? {end: (top + distanceY)} : {end: (top - distanceY)}; } } // Create the animation object for the piece var pieceAnimation = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.easing || dojo.fx.easing.sinInOut), properties: properties, beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ if(args.fade){ ps.opacity = "0"; } if(colIsOdd == rowIsOdd){ ps.left = properties.left.start + "px"; }else{ ps.top = properties.top.start + "px"; } } : undefined) }); return pieceAnimation; }; var anim = dojox.fx._split(args); if(args.unhide){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "1" }); }); }else{ dojo.connect(anim, "onPlay", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "0" }); }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:77:"Split a node into rectangular pieces and slide them in alternating directions";s:11:"description";s:105:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that slide in alternating directions.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";}s:16:"dojox.fx.unShear";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:52:" args.unhide = true; return dojox.fx.shear(args);";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:17:"dojox.fx.pinwheel";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:567:"args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 4) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 4) args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation (default is 0) args.distance: Float - The percentage of the piece's dimensions the piece should wipe args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true) args.random: Float - If true, pieces have a random delay. The value defines how much randomness is introduced. args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed";}}s:6:"source";s:3338:" var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.rows = args.rows || 4; args.columns = args.columns || 4; args.duration = args.duration || 1000; args.interval = args.interval || 0; args.distance = args.distance || 1; args.random = args.random || 0; if(typeof args.fade == "undefined"){ args.fade = true; } var duration = (args.duration - (args.rows + args.columns) * Math.abs(args.interval)); // Returns the animation object for each piece args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, x, y, coords){ var pieceHeight = coords.h / args.rows, pieceWidth = coords.w / args.columns, // because x an y start at 0, the opposite is true... colIsOdd = !(x % 2), rowIsOdd = !(y % 2), randomDelay = Math.random() * duration, uniformDelay = (args.interval < 0) ? (((args.rows + args.columns) - (x + y)) * args.interval * -1) : ((x + y) * args.interval), delay = randomDelay * args.random + Math.max(1 - args.random, 0) * uniformDelay, properties = {}, ps = piece.style ; if(args.fade){ properties.opacity = (args.unhide ? {start: 0, end: 1} : {end:0}); } // If we have only rows or columns, ignore the other dimension if(args.columns == 1){ colIsOdd = !rowIsOdd; }else if(args.rows == 1){ rowIsOdd = colIsOdd; } // Determine the piece's direction var left = parseInt(ps.left), top = parseInt(ps.top) ; if(colIsOdd){ if(rowIsOdd){ properties.top = args.unhide ? { start: top + pieceHeight * args.distance, end: top} : { start: top, end: top + pieceHeight * args.distance} ; }else{ properties.left = args.unhide ? { start: left + pieceWidth * args.distance, end: left } : { start: left, end: left + pieceWidth * args.distance } ; } } if(colIsOdd != rowIsOdd){ properties.width = args.unhide ? { start: pieceWidth * (1 - args.distance), end: pieceWidth } : { start: pieceWidth, end: pieceWidth * (1 - args.distance) } ; }else{ properties.height = args.unhide ? { start: pieceHeight * (1 - args.distance), end: pieceHeight } : { start: pieceHeight, end: pieceHeight * (1 - args.distance) } ; } // Create the animation object for the piece var pieceAnimation = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.easing || dojo.fx.easing.sinInOut), properties: properties, beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ if(args.fade){ dojo.style(piece, "opacity", 0); } if(colIsOdd){ if(rowIsOdd){ ps.top = (top + pieceHeight * (1 - args.distance)) + "px"; }else{ ps.left = (left + pieceWidth * (1 - args.distance)) + "px"; } }else{ ps.left = left + "px"; ps.top = top + "px"; } if(colIsOdd != rowIsOdd){ ps.width = (pieceWidth * (1 - args.distance)) + "px"; }else{ ps.height = (pieceHeight * (1 - args.distance)) + "px"; } } : undefined) }); return pieceAnimation; }; var anim = dojox.fx._split(args); if(args.unhide){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "1" }); }); }else{ dojo.connect(anim, "play", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "0" }); }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:76:"Split a node into rectangular pieces and wipe them in alternating directions";s:11:"description";s:104:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that wipe in alternating directions.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";}s:19:"dojox.fx.unPinwheel";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:74:" args.unhide = true; return dojox.fx.pinwheel(args); // dojo._Animation";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:21:"dojox.fx.blockFadeOut";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:471:"args.rows: Integer - The number of horizontal pieces (default is 5) args.columns: Integer - The number of vertical pieces (default is 5) args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation (default is 0) args.random: Float - If true, pieces have a random delay. The value defines how much randomness is introduced args.reverseOrder: Boolean - If true, pieces animate in reversed order args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed";}}s:6:"source";s:1543:" var node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node); args.rows = args.rows || 5; args.columns = args.columns || 5; args.duration = args.duration || 1000; args.interval = args.interval || args.duration / (args.rows + args.columns * 2); args.random = args.random || 0; var random = Math.abs(args.random), duration = args.duration - (args.rows + args.columns) * args.interval ; // Returns the animation object for each piece args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, x, y, coords){ var randomDelay = Math.random() * args.duration, uniformDelay = (args.reverseOrder) ? (((args.rows + args.columns) - (x + y)) * Math.abs(args.interval)) : ((x + y) * args.interval), delay = randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * uniformDelay, // Create the animation object for the piece pieceAnimation = dojo.animateProperty({ node: piece, duration: duration, delay: delay, easing: (args.easing || dojo.fx.easing.sinInOut), properties: { opacity: (args.unhide ? {start: "0", end: "1"} : {start: "1", end: "0"}) }, beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ dojo.style(piece, { opacity: "0" });} : function(){ piece.style.filter = ""; }) }); return pieceAnimation; }; var anim = dojox.fx._split(args); if(args.unhide){ dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "1" }); }); }else{ dojo.connect(anim, "onPlay", anim, function(){ dojo.style(node, { opacity: "0" }); }); } return anim; // dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:50:"Split a node into rectangular pieces and fade them";s:11:"description";s:88:"Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid of pieces that fade in or out.";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";}s:20:"dojox.fx.blockFadeIn";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"args";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:78:" args.unhide = true; return dojox.fx.blockFadeOut(args); // dojo._Animation";s:7:"returns";s:15:"dojo._Animation";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:14:"dojox.fx.split";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:8:"dojox.fx";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:5:"dojox";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}}