a:20:{s:9:"#provides";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:9:"#resource";s:25:"collections/Dictionary.js";s:9:"#requires";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;s:6:"common";i:1;s:23:"dojox.collections._base";}}s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:10:"dictionary";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";}}s:6:"source";s:3031:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array }; this.getValueList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the values in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.value; }); // array }; this.item=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method. if(k in items){ return items[k].valueOf(); // object } return undefined; // object }; this.getIterator=function(){ // summary // Gets a dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator for iteration purposes. return new dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator(items); // dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator }; this.remove=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Removes the item at k from the internal collection. if(k in items && !testObject[k]){ delete items[k]; this.count--; return true; // bool } return false; // bool }; if (dictionary){ var e=dictionary.getIterator(); while(e.get()) { this.add(e.element.key, e.element.value); } }";s:7:"returns";s:111:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry|object|dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator";s:9:"classlike";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:34:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.count";a:2:{s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:37:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.contains";a:2:{s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:32:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.add";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:2:{s:1:"k";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}s:1:"v";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"object";}}s:6:"source";s:558:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; }";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:34:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.clear";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:664:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0;";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:34:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.clone";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:906:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"returns";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:40:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.containsKey";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:1:"k";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}}s:6:"source";s:1128:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool";s:7:"returns";s:33:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:42:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.containsValue";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:1:"v";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"object";}}s:6:"source";s:1386:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool";s:7:"returns";s:33:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:34:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.entry";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:1:"k";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}}s:6:"source";s:1600:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry";s:7:"returns";s:67:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:36:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.forEach";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:2:{s:2:"fn";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:8:"function";}s:5:"scope";a:2:{s:8:"optional";b:1;s:4:"type";s:6:"object";}}s:6:"source";s:1897:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope);";s:7:"returns";s:67:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:39:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.getKeyList";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:2085:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array";s:7:"returns";s:67:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:41:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.getValueList";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:2279:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array }; this.getValueList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the values in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.value; }); // array";s:7:"returns";s:67:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:33:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.item";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:1:"k";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}}s:6:"source";s:2446:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array }; this.getValueList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the values in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.value; }); // array }; this.item=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method. if(k in items){ return items[k].valueOf(); // object } return undefined; // object";s:7:"returns";s:74:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry|object";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:40:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.getIterator";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:2664:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array }; this.getValueList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the values in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.value; }); // array }; this.item=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method. if(k in items){ return items[k].valueOf(); // object } return undefined; // object }; this.getIterator=function(){ // summary // Gets a dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator for iteration purposes. return new dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator(items); // dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator";s:7:"returns";s:111:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry|object|dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:35:"dojox.collections.Dictionary.remove";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:1:"k";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";}}s:6:"source";s:2901:"dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Dictionary"); dojo.require("dojox.collections._base"); dojox.collections.Dictionary=function(/* dojox.collections.Dictionary? */dictionary){ // summary // Returns an object of type dojox.collections.Dictionary var items={}; this.count=0; // comparator for property addition and access. var testObject={}; this.add=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){ // summary // Add a new item to the Dictionary. var b=(k in items); items[k]=new dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry(k,v); if(!b){ this.count++; } }; this.clear=function(){ // summary // Clears the internal dictionary. items={}; this.count=0; }; this.clone=function(){ // summary // Returns a new instance of dojox.collections.Dictionary; note the the dictionary is a clone but items might not be. return new dojox.collections.Dictionary(this); // dojox.collections.Dictionary }; this.contains=this.containsKey=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry at key "k". if(testObject[k]){ return false; // bool } return (items[k]!=null); // bool }; this.containsValue=function(/* object */v){ // summary // Check to see if the dictionary has an entry with value "v". var e=this.getIterator(); while(e.get()){ if(e.element.value==v){ return true; // bool } } return false; // bool }; this.entry=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method; similar to dojox.collections.Dictionary.item but returns the actual Entry object. return items[k]; // dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry }; this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){ // summary // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec. var a=[]; // Create an indexing array for(var p in items) { if(!testObject[p]){ a.push(items[p]); // fill it up } } dojo.forEach(a, fn, scope); }; this.getKeyList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the keys in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.key; }); // array }; this.getValueList=function(){ // summary // Returns an array of the values in the dictionary. return (this.getIterator()).map(function(entry){ return entry.value; }); // array }; this.item=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Accessor method. if(k in items){ return items[k].valueOf(); // object } return undefined; // object }; this.getIterator=function(){ // summary // Gets a dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator for iteration purposes. return new dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator(items); // dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator }; this.remove=function(/* string */k){ // summary // Removes the item at k from the internal collection. if(k in items && !testObject[k]){ delete items[k]; this.count--; return true; // bool } return false; // bool";s:7:"returns";s:111:"dojox.collections.Dictionary|bool|dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry|object|dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator";s:8:"instance";s:28:"dojox.collections.Dictionary";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:17:"dojox.collections";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:5:"dojox";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}}