a:7:{s:9:"#provides";s:13:"dojo.behavior";s:9:"#resource";s:11:"behavior.js";s:13:"dojo.behavior";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:11:"initialized";b:1;s:6:"source";s:6577:" function arrIn(obj, name){ if(!obj[name]){ obj[name] = []; } return obj[name]; } var _inc = 0; function forIn(obj, scope, func){ var tmpObj = {}; for(var x in obj){ if(typeof tmpObj[x] == "undefined"){ if(!func){ scope(obj[x], x); }else{ func.call(scope, obj[x], x); } } } } // FIXME: need a better test so we don't exclude nightly Safari's! this._behaviors = {}; this.add = function(/* Object */behaviorObj){ // summary: // Add the specified behavior to the list of behaviors, ignoring existing // matches. // // description: // Add the specified behavior to the list of behaviors which will // be applied the next time apply() is called. Calls to add() for // an already existing behavior do not replace the previous rules, // but are instead additive. New nodes which match the rule will // have all add()-ed behaviors applied to them when matched. // // The "found" method is a generalized handler that's called as soon // as the node matches the selector. Rules for values that follow also // apply to the "found" key. // // The "on*" handlers are attached with `dojo.connect()`, using the // matching node // // If the value corresponding to the ID key is a function and not a // list, it's treated as though it was the value of "found". // // dojo.behavior.add() can be called any number of times before // the DOM is ready. `dojo.behavior.apply()` is called automatically // by `dojo.addOnLoad`, though can be called to re-apply previously added // behaviors anytime the DOM changes. // // There are a variety of formats permitted in the behaviorObject // // example: // Simple list of properties. "found" is special. "Found" is assumed if // no property object for a given selector, and property is a function. // // | dojo.behavior.add({ // | "#id": { // | "found": function(element){ // | // node match found // | }, // | "onclick": function(evt){ // | // register onclick handler for found node // | } // | }, // | "#otherid": function(element){ // | // assumes "found" with this syntax // | } // | }); // // example: // If property is a string, a dojo.publish will be issued on the channel: // // | dojo.behavior.add({ // | // dojo.publish() whenever class="noclick" found on anchors // | "a.noclick": "/got/newAnchor", // | "div.wrapper": { // | "onclick": "/node/wasClicked" // | } // | }); // | dojo.subscribe("/got/newAnchor", function(node){ // | // handle node finding when dojo.behavior.apply() is called, // | // provided a newly matched node is found. // | }); // // example: // Scoping can be accomplished by passing an object as a property to // a connection handle (on*): // // | dojo.behavior.add({ // | "#id": { // | // like calling dojo.hitch(foo,"bar"). execute foo.bar() in scope of foo // | "onmouseenter": { targetObj: foo, targetFunc: "bar" }, // | "onmouseleave": { targetObj: foo, targetFunc: "baz" } // | } // | }); // // example: // Bahaviors match on CSS3 Selectors, powered by dojo.query. Example selectors: // // | dojo.behavior.add({ // | // match all direct descendants // | "#id4 > *": function(element){ // | // ... // | }, // | // | // match the first child node that's an element // | "#id4 > :first-child": { ... }, // | // | // match the last child node that's an element // | "#id4 > :last-child": { ... }, // | // | // all elements of type tagname // | "tagname": { // | // ... // | }, // | // | "tagname1 tagname2 tagname3": { // | // ... // | }, // | // | ".classname": { // | // ... // | }, // | // | "tagname.classname": { // | // ... // | } // | }); // var tmpObj = {}; forIn(behaviorObj, this, function(behavior, name){ var tBehavior = arrIn(this._behaviors, name); if(typeof tBehavior["id"] != "number"){ tBehavior.id = _inc++; } var cversion = []; tBehavior.push(cversion); if((dojo.isString(behavior))||(dojo.isFunction(behavior))){ behavior = { found: behavior }; } forIn(behavior, function(rule, ruleName){ arrIn(cversion, ruleName).push(rule); }); }); } var _applyToNode = function(node, action, ruleSetName){ if(dojo.isString(action)){ if(ruleSetName == "found"){ dojo.publish(action, [ node ]); }else{ dojo.connect(node, ruleSetName, function(){ dojo.publish(action, arguments); }); } }else if(dojo.isFunction(action)){ if(ruleSetName == "found"){ action(node); }else{ dojo.connect(node, ruleSetName, action); } } } this.apply = function(){ // summary: // Applies all currently registered behaviors to the document. // // description: // Applies all currently registered behaviors to the document, // taking care to ensure that only incremental updates are made // since the last time add() or apply() were called. // // If new matching nodes have been added, all rules in a behavior will be // applied to that node. For previously matched nodes, only // behaviors which have been added since the last call to apply() // will be added to the nodes. // // apply() is called once automatically by `dojo.addOnLoad`, so // registering behaviors with `dojo.behavior.add` before the DOM is // ready is acceptable, provided the dojo.behavior module is ready. // // Calling appy() manually after manipulating the DOM is required // to rescan the DOM and apply newly .add()ed behaviors, or to match // nodes that match existing behaviors when those nodes are added to // the DOM. // forIn(this._behaviors, function(tBehavior, id){ dojo.query(id).forEach( function(elem){ var runFrom = 0; var bid = "_dj_behavior_"+tBehavior.id; if(typeof elem[bid] == "number"){ runFrom = elem[bid]; if(runFrom == (tBehavior.length)){ return; } } // run through the versions, applying newer rules at each step for(var x=runFrom, tver; tver = tBehavior[x]; x++){ forIn(tver, function(ruleSet, ruleSetName){ if(dojo.isArray(ruleSet)){ dojo.forEach(ruleSet, function(action){ _applyToNode(elem, action, ruleSetName); }); } }); } // ensure that re-application only adds new rules to the node elem[bid] = tBehavior.length; } ); }); }";s:7:"summary";s:83:"Utility for unobtrusive/progressive event binding, DOM traversal, and manipulation.";s:11:"description";s:514:"A very simple, lightweight mechanism for applying code to existing documents, based around `dojo.query` (CSS3 selectors) for node selection, and a simple two-command API: `dojo.behavior.add()` and `dojo.behavior.apply()`; Behaviors apply to a given page, and are registered following the syntax options described by `dojo.behavior.add` to match nodes to actions, or "behaviors". Added behaviors are applied to the current DOM when .apply() is called, matching only new nodes found since .apply() was last called.";s:6:"chains";a:1:{s:4:"call";a:1:{i:0;s:4:"func";}}s:9:"classlike";b:1;}s:24:"dojo.behavior._behaviors";a:3:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo.behavior";s:7:"private";b:1;s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}s:17:"dojo.behavior.add";a:7:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo.behavior";s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:11:"behaviorObj";a:1:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";}}s:6:"source";s:450:" var tmpObj = {}; forIn(behaviorObj, this, function(behavior, name){ var tBehavior = arrIn(this._behaviors, name); if(typeof tBehavior["id"] != "number"){ tBehavior.id = _inc++; } var cversion = []; tBehavior.push(cversion); if((dojo.isString(behavior))||(dojo.isFunction(behavior))){ behavior = { found: behavior }; } forIn(behavior, function(rule, ruleName){ arrIn(cversion, ruleName).push(rule); }); });";s:7:"summary";s:79:"Add the specified behavior to the list of behaviors, ignoring existing matches.";s:11:"description";s:972:"Add the specified behavior to the list of behaviors which will be applied the next time apply() is called. Calls to add() for an already existing behavior do not replace the previous rules, but are instead additive. New nodes which match the rule will have all add()-ed behaviors applied to them when matched. The "found" method is a generalized handler that's called as soon as the node matches the selector. Rules for values that follow also apply to the "found" key. The "on*" handlers are attached with `dojo.connect()`, using the matching node If the value corresponding to the ID key is a function and not a list, it's treated as though it was the value of "found". dojo.behavior.add() can be called any number of times before the DOM is ready. `dojo.behavior.apply()` is called automatically by `dojo.addOnLoad`, though can be called to re-apply previously added behaviors anytime the DOM changes. There are a variety of formats permitted in the behaviorObject";s:8:"examples";a:4:{i:0;s:398:"Simple list of properties. "found" is special. "Found" is assumed if no property object for a given selector, and property is a function. dojo.behavior.add({ "#id": { "found": function(element){ // node match found }, "onclick": function(evt){ // register onclick handler for found node } }, "#otherid": function(element){ // assumes "found" with this syntax } });";i:1;s:411:"If property is a string, a dojo.publish will be issued on the channel: dojo.behavior.add({ // dojo.publish() whenever class="noclick" found on anchors "a.noclick": "/got/newAnchor", "div.wrapper": { "onclick": "/node/wasClicked" } }); dojo.subscribe("/got/newAnchor", function(node){ // handle node finding when dojo.behavior.apply() is called, // provided a newly matched node is found. });";i:2;s:331:"Scoping can be accomplished by passing an object as a property to a connection handle (on*): dojo.behavior.add({ "#id": { // like calling dojo.hitch(foo,"bar"). execute foo.bar() in scope of foo "onmouseenter": { targetObj: foo, targetFunc: "bar" }, "onmouseleave": { targetObj: foo, targetFunc: "baz" } } });";i:3;s:543:"Bahaviors match on CSS3 Selectors, powered by dojo.query. Example selectors: dojo.behavior.add({ // match all direct descendants "#id4 > *": function(element){ // ... }, // match the first child node that's an element "#id4 > :first-child": { ... }, // match the last child node that's an element "#id4 > :last-child": { ... }, // all elements of type tagname "tagname": { // ... }, "tagname1 tagname2 tagname3": { // ... }, ".classname": { // ... }, "tagname.classname": { // ... } });";}}s:19:"dojo.behavior.apply";a:5:{s:8:"instance";s:13:"dojo.behavior";s:4:"type";s:8:"Function";s:6:"source";s:770:" forIn(this._behaviors, function(tBehavior, id){ dojo.query(id).forEach( function(elem){ var runFrom = 0; var bid = "_dj_behavior_"+tBehavior.id; if(typeof elem[bid] == "number"){ runFrom = elem[bid]; if(runFrom == (tBehavior.length)){ return; } } // run through the versions, applying newer rules at each step for(var x=runFrom, tver; tver = tBehavior[x]; x++){ forIn(tver, function(ruleSet, ruleSetName){ if(dojo.isArray(ruleSet)){ dojo.forEach(ruleSet, function(action){ _applyToNode(elem, action, ruleSetName); }); } }); } // ensure that re-application only adds new rules to the node elem[bid] = tBehavior.length; } ); });";s:7:"summary";s:59:"Applies all currently registered behaviors to the document.";s:11:"description";s:787:"Applies all currently registered behaviors to the document, taking care to ensure that only incremental updates are made since the last time add() or apply() were called. If new matching nodes have been added, all rules in a behavior will be applied to that node. For previously matched nodes, only behaviors which have been added since the last call to apply() will be added to the nodes. apply() is called once automatically by `dojo.addOnLoad`, so registering behaviors with `dojo.behavior.add` before the DOM is ready is acceptable, provided the dojo.behavior module is ready. Calling appy() manually after manipulating the DOM is required to rescan the DOM and apply newly .add()ed behaviors, or to match nodes that match existing behaviors when those nodes are added to the DOM.";}s:4:"dojo";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:6:"Object";s:7:"summary";s:0:"";}}