testing Core HTML/DOM/CSS/Style utils

100px square, abs
100px square, abs, 10px margin
100px square, abs, 10px margin, 10px padding
100px square, abs, 10px padding
100px square, abs, 10px left and top padding
100px square, abs, 10px left and top padding, 10px bottom and right margin
100px square, abs, 10px yellow border
100px square, abs, 10px yellow border, 10px margin
100px square, abs, 10px yellow border, 10px margin, 10px padding
100px square, no positioning
75 tests to run in 1 groups
GROUP "t" has 75 tests to run
PASSED test: doh.is(100, dojo.marginBox('sq100').w); 0 ms
PASSED test: doh.is(100, dojo.marginBox('sq100').h); 0 ms
PASSED test: doh.is(120, dojo.marginBox('sq100margin10').w); 0 ms